Navigate Personal, RElationship, and Community Dynamics

Somatic Sharing Circles


Somatic Sharing circles are a dynamic mix of Authentic Relating games, theme exploration, and personal healing circles. We cover everything from how world-issues are impacting your heart to simply unpacking your day.

Community Sharing Circles are introductory and open for all, requiring no experience in circling or communication training.

Communication Training

Sometimes open-hearted discussions can lead to disagreements and a desire to find resolve. It’s very clear that we need more than just a loving intention, but also real skillsets (and mindsets), to navigate these territories.

These trainings help you to learn to speak from your heart, navigate tough conversationsand develop wider capacity for compassion and integrity as you communicate.

How can you inquire more deeply into someone else’s world so they feel seen and heard and honored for who they are? How do you support others when you’re feeling triggered? What do you do when conflict arises? How do you help someone move past their defences into authentic expression? How can you tell the difference?

Bring these skills to your communal living house, your spiritual community or your family.



Circling is a world wide practice that in it’s highest form is a transformational group dialogue that helps us to unearth and shine light on parts of ourselves and others that need attention, healing, or freedom. 

Why would someone Circle?
You want to support, or be supported through a challenge
“Can you circle me on my fear of commitment?”

You want to be a better friend, family member, person
“After circling, I can myself differently. I want to change how I speak with you.”

You want to experience connection and friendship
“It’s been two days and I’m still feeling so heart-open and inspired. I feel really held and honored. Thank you”

You want to be pushed into new realizations about yourself

“I had no idea I was always looking to dominate the other leaders in the room. Thank you for helping me see this pattern I was so unaware of”.


What Happens in a “Circle?”
You can run circles in different ways, but in the end, the a circle usually looks something like this:

People settle into the group, online or in person, and do a personal check-in and get comfortable. We may choose what the theme or context is. You then move into the silence, and have a discussion using the five practices to help you go deeper into the nuances of the conversation. When we practice our Multi-Level Communication skills, we help the conversation to deeper.  We continue the conversation until the time is up. Share and discuss the insights and experiences we’ve had.

Circling is actually a very advanced practice! If you’re interested in Circling with our community, I recommend exploring my Communication Trainings and Somatic Sharing Circles first. They are introductory practices that build your muscles towards self-awareness, self-expression, and coherence when expressing yourself.